“Through the barrel of Piyatat Hemmatat”
Today, it seem that photography is the most utilized form of art, billions of photos are taken each day, all trying to express an idea and the more complex the idea the more interesting the photography.
Eventually photography is an art form but not all photo can be considered art, your best shot of som tam poopala express the idea of how delicious your dish is and if you are doing it nicely it should definitely makes one another hungry but rarely can be considered art.
Nonetheless and after working with a lot of photographer very few of them hit the status of artist, not downgrading our fellow photographer friends at all as it is quite an ambiguous question and a lot of them spam their work between art, and more commercial work.
Either way it is with an incredible pleasure that we met Piyatat …. he is a friend but also a genuinely interesting and avid to share his experiences and experimentation with others.
What a day was it! we showed up late afternoon for an evening at his studio, we started the evening with some talk about photography and cameras and went on a tour of his studio or more likely to be called a man cave where all sort of toys are on display, including a most wonderful vinyl collection with this FUCKING CRAZY sound system which makes every single songs you play a symphony for the ears!
Anyway after a few vinyl and a few “cigaret” we are getting to it! If you are familiar with Piyatat’s work you’ll already know that he photographs more than real “familiar” materials in a manner that defies your conception of such materials. It is very interesting to see these objects become something completely abstract just by focusing very specific lenses on it.
And what a lense out of all his toys O picks up a (i dont remember the camera) with technika lenses and large format film. By the time we realise whats going on we are behind the camera trying to repeat the movement introduced to us earlier on how to operate this equipment… nothing we were really prepared for even thought we use film camera pretty much every single day, it is slow (ended up on manual low speed exposure about 20min per shot! we dont expect you selfies bastards to understand that!) precise and needs real concentration to operate not usual in these modern days photography.
Thanks to O’s kindness it let’s us pull out a few large format polaroid out of his machine so we can get a glimpse of the final result and WOW wtf has just happen we’re stoked! looking at this material back and forth and fuck our whole lifetime experience of photography snaps in one second as we realise the beauty of what just happen.
Its mesmerizing! beautiful and complex but at the same time so simple and approachable, we love it, and we decide right there that we want to be following the rest of this project development so come back for Part II and Part III alright?!